Best Minecraft Servers 2024

Welcome to the Minecraft Server List with the best Minecraft Servers to play on. Browse the top Minecraft Servers including survival, creative, parkour, skyblock, dungeons, and many more. Simply copy the IP address into your Minecraft client and check out these amazing communties.

Be sure to visit our blog where you can find news and showcases on builds, mods, servers, and other Minecraft news!

Minecraft Server List:


Complex Gaming

110 Players



110 Players



110 Players



110 Players



110 Players



110 Players



110 Players


Chill SMP

110 Players



110 Players


Creation Nation

110 Players


Minecraft servers are a player and/or community managed platform that allows you to play Minecraft with people around the world

National Servers

Minecraft National Servers

There are Minecraft communities in every corner of the world. If you would like to chat with others in your language and engage with the local Minecraft community check out our lists for the best Minecraft servers in Each country.

Creative Servers

Minecraft Creative Servers​ with big buildings

If you just want to make amazing builds and don’t care about the resources, as well as creepers blowing up your designs, check out our best Minecraft creative servers!

Survival Servers

Minecraft Survival Servers

Roam the overworld, hunt the wildlife, dig the ground, travel to the Nether, find the castles, fight the Ender Dragon! With Minecraft survival servers you can do all that with friends. Join clans, take on tasks and build together… or destroy, or be destroyed.

Prison Break Servers

Minecraft Prison Break Servers

Best Minecraft puzzle servers in the world. Figure out rooms, combine different materials and break out of the most elaborate prisons made online!


Minecraft Skyblock Servers

How to survive on a floating island with one three, one chest, and two buckets? Elaborate farms and builds are the obvious solution. Here you can find the best Minecraft skyblock servers in the world!

Adventure Servers

Minecraft Adventure Servers

Can you overcome a scenario? From small challenges made for single players, to huge endeavors made for clans, you can find all of this on the best Minecraft adventure servers! Immerse yourself in a game experience very different from vanilla.

PVE Servers

Minecraft PVE Servers

Fight the Ender Dragon, together! In PVE servers you will join others in building shelter, defending against Pillagers and mobs, and finally fighting the Ender Dragon.

PVP Servers

Minecraft PVP Servers

Homo Homini Lupus – Man I a wolf to a man ~ Plautus

Can you survive against the most dangerous thing in Minecraft, other players? Dominate the battlefield and take your spoils from them on the best Minecraft PVP servers!


With so many servers to pick from, there is no reason why you shouldn’t pick the best one for you. Consider what you like and what you want and look for exactly that.

There are five things to consider when picking out a Minecraft server:

  1. Language
  2. Age
  3. Game type
  4. Server rules
  5. Mod and Admin assist


Most servers in the world are in English, followed by Spanish and Portuguese. If you are comfortable communicating in any of those languages you will really be spoiled for choice when it comes to server selections. But, if you prefer to play in your native language, you will need to use a national server for your country.

Take note that while most servers will allow you to communicate with your friends in any language, public communication will need to be in the official language of the server.

Age Restrictions

Minecraft is a game for every age. On most servers you will find players ranging from 7 to 77.

But, some servers will be restricted for certain age groups and if you want to be with your age group you should find those servers in particular.

Servers for younger people are there to protect those players, prevent any type of online harassment and bullying, and make it more appropriate for that age group.

There are also adult only servers that allow more banter, adult language, and moderate levels of what would be considered bullying. But there are also those without any age restrictions but with rules of engagement.

Game Type

Now that you are playing in your preferred language and in your preferred age group, the question becomes what game type would you like? Are you looking for a survival server where you will need to dig for every block, or would you like creative where you can build freely?

You can always test different game types to figure out what you like and which community you enjoy.

Game Rules

Always follow the Minecraft server game rules. If you don’t like the rules, find a different server.

While most Minecraft servers will ban you for very toxic behavior, some are more lax when it comes to language, imagery, or PVP engagement such as ruining someone’s base.

Moderator and Admin Behavior

While most Minecraft servers won’t have admins always flying invisible over your head, some will. If you would like to play on a smaller server, make sure that you check out a review on a server or simply ask the mods and admins what they expect from you.

If the only expectation is to have fun and follow the server rules, you are good. If they have a weird side not in a good way, meaning if the vibe is off, maybe check out a different server.

F. A. Q

Are Minecraft servers Free?

Yes. Both operating and entering the server is, by itself, free. Some servers can be dedicated only for people who have paid for access and given their username to be whitelisted, but most require no payment at all to play.

Opening a server is always free for the game itself.

Can you make your own Minecraft server?

Yes. For as long as the hosting game is on the server will be functional. You can also buy dedicated servers that will be somewhere else.

If you decide to open your own Minecraft server please let us know so we can check it out and maybe put it on one of our lists.

Is it safe to have a Minecraft Server?

Generally yes. You have complete control in your Minecraft server and you can decide what you are and what you’re not comfortable with. As far as cybersecurity, Minecraft servers do share your IP, but they do so for the players as well.

How do Minecraft servers make money?

Minecraft servers are free, but most popular servers will ask for donations and give various perks in exchange. This might include custom skins, or in-game names showing your status. But, it is impossible to monetize the server itself.

Can Minecraft servers see your IP address?

Yes. You are connecting to your Minecraft server via your IP address. The same way as the access address is visible to players, the player IP address is visible to the server owner. If you don’t feel comfortable with this, you can access using a VPN to mask your address.

Can Minecraft servers ban you?

Yes. Minecraft server admins can ban you for whatever reason, and even for no reason at all. Bans happen for different reasons, but almost always for continuous and serious breaches of server rules.